performance under the real estate sales contract or has not taken possession under the lease may cancel the real estate sales contract or lease within ten days after receiving written notice from the subdivider of the material change if the material change adversely impacts the purchaser or lessee and was caused by the subdivider or an entity controlled by the subdivider or if the subdivider had actual knowledge of the material change at the time the real estate sales contract or lease was executed by the purchaser or lessee. Notwithstanding that the subdivider was not aware of the material change and did not cause the change to come about, the purchaser or lessee may cancel the sales contract or lease as provided by this subsection if the material change would involve an occupant's health, safety or ability to make designated use of the lot. This subsection does not create any cause of action, for rescission or otherwise, in favor of a purchaser who has not been impacted adversely by the material change. C. A filing fee of one-half of the amount that was charged for the initial public report pursuant to section 32-2182, but no less than two hundred fifty dollars, shall accompany an application for an amended public report. If inspection of a subdivision site is necessary, the department shall assess an inspection fee pursuant to section 32-2182, subsection A. 32-2185. Delivery of clear title by vendor on performance of contract by vendee It is unlawful to sell to any purchaser any subdivision lot or parcel that is subject to a blanket encumbrance, unless there is a provision in the blanket encumbrance, or in a valid supplementary agreement executed by the holder of the blanket encumbrance, enabling the purchaser to acquire title to the lot or parcel free of the blanket encumbrance upon completion of all payments and performances of all the terms and provisions required to be made or performed by the purchaser under the real estate sales contract. Certified or verified copies of documents acceptable to the commissioner containing such provisions shall be filed with the commissioner prior to the sale of any subdivision lot or parcel subject to a blanket encumbrance. 32-2185.01. Sale of unimproved lots or parcels; conditions precedent; methods A. It is unlawful for the owner, agent or subdivider of subdivided lands to sell or offer to sell unimproved lots or parcels within a subdivision unless the sale complies with one of the following: 1. Execution, delivery and recording of a deed in good and sufficient form conveying to the purchaser merchantable and marketable title to the property subject only to such exceptions as may be agreed to in writing by the purchaser. Any balance remaining unpaid by the purchaser may be evidenced by a note and mortgage or deed of trust. The deed and mortgage or deed of trust shall be recorded by the owner, agent or subdivider within sixty days of execution thereof by the purchaser. 2. Execution, delivery, recording and depositing in escrow, not later than sixty days after execution by the purchaser, with a person or firm authorized to receive escrows under the laws of this state or the state in which the subdivision is located, of a real estate sales contract pertaining to the property, which contract sets forth the full and correct legal description of the property being sold and the precise terms and conditions under which the property is being sold together with: (a) A copy of a preliminary title report showing the conditions of title to the property on the date of the real estate sales contract or a preliminary title report showing the condition of title on an earlier date together with a copy of any document, recorded subsequent to the date of the preliminary title report, which affects the title to the property. (b) An executed deed in good and sufficient form conveying to the purchaser merchantable and marketable title, subject only to such exceptions as may be agreed to in writing by the purchaser which deed, under the terms of the real estate sales contract, is to be delivered to the escrow agent provided for under the contract within sixty days of the purchaser's execution of the contract and is to be recorded within sixty days after purchaser's compliance with the obligations imposed on him under the contract together with any release or partial release of any blanket encumbrance pertaining to said lot. (c) Any and all documents necessary to release or extinguish any blanket encumbrance to the extent it applies to the real property being sold, or a partial release of the lot or parcel being sold from the terms and provisions of such blanket encumbrance. 3. Execution, delivery and recording of a deed to the real property to a trustee together with a trust agreement and any and all documents necessary to release or extinguish any blanket
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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