B. A licensee's or applicant's electronic mail address shall not be released or made available for inspection to any person other than a court or a governmental agency that will use the electronic mail address for a legitimate court or governmental purpose. C. The residential address, electronic mail address and residential telephone number of a licensee whose license is placed on inactive status are confidential unless the commissioner determines that disclosure of the addresses and telephone number serves the interests of justice and is in the public interest. D. The department may not release a licensee's social security number or make a licensee's social security number available for inspection by any person other than a court or a governmental agency that will use the information for a legitimate governmental purpose. 32-2126. Place of business required; notice of change in location; failure to give notice as cancellation of license; signs A. Each employing broker shall have and maintain a definite place of business. Notice of change of business location shall be given to the commissioner in writing and the commissioner shall issue a new license for the unexpired period. Change or abandonment of a business location without notice shall automatically cancel the broker's license and shall sever the license of any salesperson or associate broker employed by the employing broker. If an employing broker's license is cancelled pursuant to this subsection and the broker's license is later reinstated, any salesperson or associate broker employed by the employing broker whose license was severed pursuant to this subsection may be rehired. B. Each designated broker and, if applicable, each employing broker shall cause a sign to be affixed at the entrance to the broker's place of business, in a place and position clearly visible to all entering the place of business, with the name of the broker, the name under which the broker is doing business if other than the broker's given name, and sufficient wording to establish that the person is a real estate broker, cemetery broker or membership camping broker. In addition to any other applicable law, the sign shall conform to rules adopted by the commissioner. C. Upon removal from any location the broker shall remove the sign from the location. A broker shall not display any name at designated places of business named in the broker's license other than the name under which the broker is licensed. 32-2127. Licenses for additional places of business; branch office manager; broker's temporary absence A. When a broker maintains more than one place of business within the state he shall be required to procure an additional license for each branch office maintained. B. Branch office licenses shall be issued in the same name as the principal office license is issued, and the license must be posted in the branch office. Branch office signs shall conform to the provisions for the principal office and shall include the designation "branch office". C. Each branch office shall be under the management of a broker or a licensed salesman. D. If a designated broker is unable to act within twenty-four hours, he may designate a licensee whom he employs or another designated broker to act in his behalf. The designated broker shall make this designation in writing and shall keep the original designation at his office for one year from its effective date. A copy of this designation must be attached to any hire, sever or renewal form submitted to the department which is signed by the designated broker's designee. This designation shall not exceed thirty days' duration and may authorize the designee to perform any and all duties the designated broker may legally perform, except that a salesperson shall not be authorized to hire or sever licensees. A written designation is required for each temporary absence. 32-2128. Display and possession of license certificate A. The designated broker's and, if applicable, the employing broker's license certificate shall be prominently displayed in the office of the broker, and all other license certificates shall be readily available. A salesperson's or associate broker's license certificate shall remain in the possession of the employer until it is cancelled, terminated, suspended or revoked by the department or until the licensee is severed from employment, when the designated broker shall dispose of the license certificate. B. A designated broker may comply with the possession requirements for a salesperson's or associate broker's license certificate prescribed by subsection A of this section by doing both of the following: 1. Accessing the licensee's record in the department's public database that the department posts on its website.
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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