c. The subdivider shall submit a written statement that no escrow will close on any lot until all subdivision improvements are complete. If a lot is within a phase of the subdivision where all improvements are complete and can be used and maintained separately from the improvements required for the entire subdivision the escrow may be closed. d. The subdivider shall submit a copy of the subdivider's purchase contract containing in large or bold print the condition that escrow will not close until the city or county issues its occupancy clearance and all subdivision improvements are complete. e. Any improvement offered or promised to a purchaser that is scheduled for completion in a later phase of completion shall have its completion assured by an alternative method of assurance listed in this Section. f. If the subdivider's sales include unimproved (vacant) lots, the subdivider shall deposit all earnest money into a neutral escrow depository until escrow closes. 8. Any other assurance satisfactory to the Department that is not listed in subsections (B)(1) through (B)(7). C. If the construction of any improvement is completed in phases, the applicant shall provide a description of the phased schedule of completion, including the lots in each phase and estimated completion dates. R4-28-A1212. Schools and Services A. The applicant shall include the following information about schools: 1. The location of and distance to the nearest public elementary, junior, and high schools and whether school bus or other transportation is available; 2. The type and location of any other school located within a 1/2 mile radius of the exterior boundaries of the development. B. The applicant shall include the following information about services: 1. Community shopping. The location and distance from the development of the nearest community shopping area where food, drink, and medical supplies may be purchased; 2. Public transportation. The type, provider, location, and distance to the nearest access point to public transportation for the development; 3. Medical facility. The type, provider, location, and distance to the nearest medical facility; 4. Fire protection. Whether fire protection is available to the development, the name of the provider and the cost to the lot purchaser; 5. Ambulance service. Whether ambulance service is available to the development and whether the development is in a 911 service area. If 911 service is not available, the name, address, and telephone number of the ambulance service. 6. Police service. Whether police service is available to the development, and the name of the provider; 7. Refuse collection. Whether provisions have been made for refuse collection, the name of the service provider, and the cost to the lot purchaser. If no provisions have been made, what a buyer will do to dispose of refuse. R4-28-A1213. Property Owners' Association The applicant shall provide the following information about a property owner's association: 1. The name of the association, if any; 2. The name of the master property owners' association, if any; 3. The amount of the association assessment that property owners will be required to pay, and how it will be paid; 4. Whether the association is legally formed and operational; 5. When and under what conditions control of the association will be released to lot purchasers; 6. When and under what conditions title to the common areas will be transferred to the association; 7. Whether the common areas are subject to any lien or encumbrance. If yes, explain how purchasers' use and enjoyment of common areas will be protected in the event of default; 8. Whether all lot owners will be required to be members of the association. If not, explain; 9. Whether nonmembers will be liable for payments to the association; and 10. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws in effect.
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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