13. If the source of water is a private well and domestic water cannot be obtained from a private well, whether the purchaser will be offered a refund of the purchase price and if so, an explanation of any condition or restriction involving the refund; 14. The name and location of the water provider if domestic water will be transported or hauled by the lot purchaser. A cost estimate computed on a monthly basis for a four-member family, including the cost of water, cistern, and other holding tanks, pumps, or any other costs necessary to install an operational water system; 15. A water adequacy report from ADWR if the development is a subdivision or part of a subdivision located outside of a groundwater active management area; 16. A water availability report from ADWR if the development is unsubdivided land. A copy of the report or a brief summary of the report, approved by the Department, shall be displayed in all promotional material and contracts for sale; and 17. If a water provider is a public service corporation, whether a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity from the Arizona Corporation Commission has been issued and, if not, an explanation of why a Certificate has not been issued. R4-28-A1206. Sewage Disposal The applicant shall include information about sewage disposal for the development, including: 1. Whether the sewage disposal will be provided by a municipality, improvement district, public utility, private company, or individual sewage disposal system; 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the sewage disposal company; 3. The compliance status of the sewage disposal provider with the ADEQ as of the date of the application. If in noncompliance, provide an explanation; 4. The name of the person responsible for extending the sewage disposal utility to the lot lines; 5. The estimated completion date for extending the utility to the lot lines; 6. The estimated cost the lot purchaser will be required to pay for completion of the utility to the purchaser's lot line; 7. If offering an unimproved lot, the estimated cost a lot purchaser will pay for completion of the utility from the lot line to the dwelling; 8. Upon completion of the utility, other costs or requirements that must be addressed before the lot purchaser receives service, including the service charge, hookup fees, tap-in fees, and development fees; 9. The name of the person responsible for maintenance of the sewage disposal utility within the development, other than from lot line to dwelling; 10. The name of the person who is or will be responsible for maintenance of the sewage disposal utility outside the development; 11. What cost, if any, will the lot purchaser pay toward maintenance of the sewage disposal utility; 12. If a sewage disposal provider is a for-profit public service corporation, whether a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity from the Arizona Corporation Commission has been issued, and if not, an explanation of why a Certificate has not been issued; 13. A description of the type of individual sewage disposal system the lot purchaser will be required to install in accordance with the standards and requirements of ADEQ or its designee; 14. A description of all requirements and costs involved to install an operational individual sewage disposal system, including any cost for governmental licensing and permitting, equipment, and other installation, maintenance, and operation costs; 15. If an operational individual sewage disposal system cannot be installed, will the lot purchaser be offered a refund of the purchase price, and if so, an explanation of any condition or restriction involving the refund; and 16. If a dry sewer system will be installed for future connection to a future provider, the name of the future provider, all requirements and costs for lot purchasers, and the estimated connection date. R4-28-A1207. Streets and Access A. The applicant shall include a statement attesting that: 1. Exterior streets providing access are private; or federal, state, and county highways; or municipal streets;
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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