necessary and proper to enable it to ascertain whether the corporation complied with all of the provisions of chapters 24 through 40 of this title applicable to the corporation. The interrogatories shall be answered within thirty days after the mailing of the interrogatories or within an additional time fixed by the commission, and the answers to the interrogatories shall be full and complete and shall be made in writing and under oath. If the interrogatories are directed to an individual they shall be answered by the individual, and if directed to a corporation they shall be answered by the president, vice-president, secretary or assistant secretary of the corporation. The commission need not file any document to which the interrogatories relate until the interrogatories have been answered as provided in this section, and not then if the answers to the interrogatories disclose that the document is not in conformity with the provisions of chapters 24 through 40 of this title. The commission shall certify to the attorney general, for such action as the attorney general deems appropriate, all interrogatories and answers to the interrogatories that disclose a violation of any of the provisions of chapters 24 through 40 of this title. 10-11634. information disclosed by interrogatories Interrogatories propounded by the commission and the answers to the interrogatories shall not be open to public inspection and the commission shall not disclose any facts or information obtained from the interrogatories and answers except if its official duty requires the facts or information to be made public or if the interrogatories or the answers are required for evidence in any criminal proceeding or in any other action by this state. 10-11635. Certified copies received in evidence All copies of documents delivered to and filed by the commission in accordance with chapters 24 through 40 of this title when certified by it shall be taken and received in all courts, public offices and official bodies as prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the documents. A certificate by the commission under seal as to the existence or nonexistence of the facts relating to corporations shall be taken and received in all courts, public offices and official bodies as prima facie evidence of the existence or nonexistence of the facts stated in the certificate. 10-11636. Civil liability for false or misleading filings; exceptions A. Except as provided in subsection C or D of this section, any person that authorizes or signs a report, certificate, notice or other document with respect to a corporation that is delivered for filing with the commission pursuant to this chapter and that has knowledge at the time of delivery to the commission for filing that the information contained in that report, certificate, notice or other document is materially false or misleading is liable to the corporation and its creditors for all damages resulting from the act. The prevailing party in an action for the liability imposed under this subsection is entitled to an award for the prevailing party's costs and reasonable attorney fees. B. An action for the liability imposed by subsection A of this section must be commenced within two years after the discovery of the false or misleading statement or the time a reasonable person would have discovered it, but not later than six years after the report, certificate, notice or other document was filed or received by the commission. C. Execution of a consent to serve as a statutory agent does not by itself constitute a certification of the truth or accuracy of the information contained in a report, certificate, notice or other document with respect to the corporation even if the consent is attached to another filing. D. This section does not prevent the award of equitable remedies, if appropriate. Title 10, Chapter 40 TRANSITION PROVISIONS-NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS Article 1 General Provisions 10-11701. Application to existing domestic corporations A. Except as provided in subsection B, chapters 24 through 40 of this title apply to all Arizona corporations that were incorporated under or that were subject to chapter 22 of this title on December 31, 1998.
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