3. Two members who are primarily engaged in subdividing real property. 4. Three public members who are not related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity to any person holding a broker's or salesperson's license from this state. C. Members of the board shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed for subsistence expenses pursuant to section 38-624 and travel expenses pursuant to section 38-623. D. The board annually shall select from its membership a chairperson for the board. E. The board shall provide the commissioner with such recommendations as it deems necessary and beneficial to the best interests of the public. The board shall also provide recommendations on specific questions or proposals as the board deems necessary or as requested by the commissioner. F. The board annually shall present to the governor an evaluation of the performance of the real estate commissioner and the real estate department. G. Not more than five members of the board from any one county may serve concurrently. 32-2105. Meetings of the state real estate advisory board A. The board shall meet for the transaction of business not less than once each quarter-year at a place within the state it designates. The board may hold other meetings it deems advisable upon five days' written notice of the time and place of the meeting, signed by the commissioner or a majority of the members of the board. B. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. A vacancy on the board shall not impair the rights or powers of the remaining members. 32-2106. Real estate commissioner; appointment; qualifications A. The real estate commissioner shall be appointed by the governor, pursuant to section 38-211. The real estate commissioner shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. B. To be a candidate for the position of real estate commissioner a person shall have at least five years' experience in the real estate industry, title insurance industry, banking or mortgage broker industry and three years' administrative experience and shall not at the date of acceptance of appointment be financially interested in any real estate or brokerage firm, nor act as a broker, and salesman or agent therefor except through a trust over which the applicant has no control. 32-2107. Powers and duties of commissioner; compensation; administration of department; seal; revolving fund A. The commissioner shall have charge of the department with power to administer it in accordance with the provisions of and to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The commissioner shall adopt a seal which shall bear the words "real estate commissioner, state of Arizona", which shall be used for the authentication of proceedings of the department and the official documents thereof. The commissioner's principal office shall be at the state capitol. The commissioner may have branch offices the commissioner deems necessary in other cities. B. The commissioner shall receive compensation as determined pursuant to section 38-611. C. The commissioner shall prepare and cause to be produced and circulated among the licensees and the general public educational matter the commissioner deems helpful and proper for the guidance and assistance of both licensees and the public. The commissioner may assess a fee for each of these educational products that does not exceed a level reasonably estimated to be sufficient to recover production and distribution costs. D. In cooperation with industry educators, content experts and other professionals, the commissioner may develop, sponsor or hold educational seminars and workshops for the benefit of licensees. E. A real estate department education revolving fund is established consisting of monies received from the sale of educational matter under subsection C of this section and grants of monies to be used in the production of educational products. Monies in the fund shall be used for the printing of a compilation of real estate laws and rules and other educational publications and for other educational efforts the commissioner deems helpful and proper for the guidance and assistance of licensees and the public, including sponsoring and holding educational seminars or workshops for educators and other licensees. The department shall establish the revolving fund as a separate account. The department shall make a full accounting of its use to the department of administration annually or as required by the department of administration. Expenditures from the fund and reimbursement to the fund shall be as prescribed by rules of the department of administration. Monies received in the real estate department education revolving
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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