power of attorney, a copy of the power of attorney or the resolution authorizing the signature shall be included with the application. C. The application must be submitted on a form prescribed by the commissioner with the application fee. D. An application for registration to offer to sell or sell membership camping contracts shall be amended when a material change to the information previously filed occurs. 32-2198.02. Issuance of public report; representations prohibited A. On examination of a membership campground, the commissioner, unless there are grounds for denial, shall issue to the owner or operator a public report authorizing the sale in or from this state of membership camping contracts. The report shall contain the data obtained in accordance with section 32- 2198.01 and any other information which the commission determines is necessary to implement the purposes of this article. The commissioner shall require the owner or operator to reproduce the report and furnish each purchaser with a copy, taking a receipt. The owner and licensed broker shall each retain a receipt for at least five years from the date of its taking. B. The issuance of a public report is not deemed to be an endorsement by the commissioner of the membership camping contract, the operator or the campground. It is unlawful for a person to make or use any statement or promotional device which tends to indicate that issuance constitutes an endorsement. 32-2198.03. Exemptions A. The following transactions are exempt from the provisions of section 32-2198: 1. An offer, sale or transfer by any one person of not more than one membership camping contract in any twelve month period any agent for the person, participating in more than one transaction in a twelve-month period is not exempt from registration as a membership camping salesperson under this chapter if he receives a commission or similar payment for the sale or transfer. 2. An offer or sale by a government or subdivision of a government agency. 3. An offer, sale or transfer by a membership camping operator of a membership camping contract previously authorized if the offer, sale or transfer constitutes a transfer to an owner other than the original owner of the contract. B. The commissioner may by special order exempt from the provisions of section 32-2198 the offer for sale or the sale of membership camping contracts on written petition and a showing by the petitioner satisfactory to the commissioner that compliance with this chapter is not essential to the public interest or for the protection of purchasers. 32-2198.04. Examination of project by commissioner The commissioner, pursuant to an investigation conducted under section 32-2108 or an application for public report pursuant to section 32-2198.01, may examine any membership campground project offered or sold in this state and make his findings public. The total cost of travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the department in the examination shall be borne by the owner of the project on the basis of the actual cost to the department. 32-2198.05. Contracts; cancellation A membership camping contract may be cancelled by a resident purchaser for any reason at any time before midnight of the third business day after the purchaser has signed and received a copy of the contract. A membership camping contract may be cancelled by a nonresident purchaser for any reason at any time before midnight of the seventh calendar day after the purchaser has signed and received a copy of the contract. To cancel a contract the purchaser may notify the campground operator of the cancellation in writing, by certified mail return receipt requested, or personal delivery, to an address in this state as specified in the contract. Proof of timely cancellation is satisfied if the certified letter is postmarked on or before midnight of the seventh day. All monies paid pursuant to the cancelled contract shall be fully refunded within thirty days of receipt of the notice of cancellation. If the purchaser executed any credit or loan agreement through the campground operator to pay all or part of the camping services, the debt and security instruments shall also be returned within thirty days. The contract shall contain a conspicuous notice printed in at least ten point bold-faced type as follows: Notice to purchaser
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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