32-2195.05. Advertising material; contents; order prohibiting use; costs of investigation A. The owner or agent shall file with the commissioner a copy of any original promotional and advertising material used in connection with sales of unsubdivided lands and copies of any material changes therein. The owner or agent shall file with the commissioner, within twenty-one days of use, a copy of any subsequent advertising of any kind, used directly or indirectly in connection with the purchase, sale or lease of any lot or parcel subject to the provisions of this article. It shall not be necessary to make repetitive filings of material which is the same as or varies only in minor details from material which has previously been filed with the commissioner for the unsubdivided lands. B. No advertising, communication or sales literature of any kind, including oral statements by salespersons or other persons, shall contain: 1. Any untrue statement of material fact or any omission of material fact which would make such statement misleading in light of the circumstances under which such statement was made. 2. Any statement or representation that the land is offered without risk or that loss is impossible. 3. Any statement or representation or pictorial representation of proposed improvements or nonexistent scenes without clearly indicating the improvements are proposed and the scenes do not exist. 4. Any statement or representation that the lot or parcels are suitable as homesites or building lots unless either of the following is true: (a) Potable water is available from a certificated public utility or a municipal corporation and either an individual sewage disposal system will operate or a sewer system is available from a certified public utility or a municipal corporation. (b) Facts to the contrary are clearly and conspicuously included in each advertisement pertaining to the property. C. All advertising and sales literature shall be consistent with the information contained in the notice of intention pursuant to section 32-2195 and the public report pursuant to section 32-2195.03. D. If it appears to the commissioner that any person is or has engaged in advertising or promotional practices in violation of this article, the commissioner may hold a hearing as a contested case under title 41, chapter 6, article 10 and issue such order or orders as he deems necessary to protect the public interest, or the commission may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction against such person to enjoin such person from continuing such violation. E. The commissioner may adopt such rules and guidelines as he deems necessary to protect the public interest and to assure that all advertising and promotional practices with respect to land subject to the provisions of this article are not false or misleading. F. It is unlawful for any owner, agent or employee of any development or other person with intent directly or indirectly to sell or lease lots or parcels subject to the provisions of this article to authorize, use, direct or aid in any advertising, communication, sales literature or promotional practice which violates this section. G. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to the owner or publisher of a newspaper, magazine or other publication of printed matter wherein such advertisement appears or to the owner or operator of a radio or television station which disseminates such advertisement when the owner, publisher or operator has no knowledge of the intent, design or purpose of the advertiser. 32-2195.06. Civil liabilities A. When any part of the notice of intention filed pursuant to section 32-2195 contains an untrue statement of a material fact or omits a material fact required to be stated in such notice, the owner or agent shall be liable as provided in this section to any person who acquires land covered by such notice of intention during such period the notice of intention remained uncorrected unless it is proved that at the time of such acquisition the person acquiring the land knew of such untruth or omission. B. Any owner or agent who sells or leases unsubdivided lands subject to this article in violation of section 32-2195.03 or by means of a public report which contains an untrue statement of a material fact or omits a material fact required to be stated in such report shall be liable to the purchaser of such land as provided in this section. C. It is unlawful for an owner or agent in selling or leasing, or offering to sell or lease, any unsubdivided lands subject to this article to: 1. Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud.
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Law Book Revised 11.02.2017
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